Summer Camp Meeting – Erica J. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

There were so many amazing things that happened at Camp meeting. Just like every other camp meeting lives were touched and people had a real experience with the presence of God. Those who are out in the field came and got a fresh touch from God. There was something different about this time however. It seems like the group as a whole was, for lack of a better word, ignited. Seeing as this was the name of our conference this week it shouldn’t be so surprising, but every person, which then filters into every group of people was given a new hunger to see the power of God working in what they have set their hands to. Things are already changing. It’s time to go to the next level in every area of the ministry.

Even just with the areas that I’m the most involved in: children, youth, and worship things cannot stay the same anymore. Worship with the youth band has to go up. There has to be more excellence and ushering in the presence of God. We can’t just settle for things to be “good enough” anymore. With the children, every child but be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. They have to be taught that they need to have the POWER of the Holy Spirit on the inside of them. The youth are hungry to see the gifts of the spirit working in and through them. They want to be an effective witness. They want to walk in undeniable results.

The plans that are being set in place for Vacation Bible School and Encounter 2010 are huge. We can’t just keep having conferences and programs for our young people that get them excited for a week or even a month and then as they are out in the world the fire dies out. There can be no more cycles. This fire has to stay lit until we see Him

Stephanie B. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul winning for the majority of the church is a taboo subject and so until I came to the River it was just an idea or something that was not done by the members of the congregation but a responsibility of the Pastor. It was talked about yes and even tried but bringing people to a place of decision that seemed to be more of a myth than a reality.

I came to the Tampa in 2004 and my life changed forever upon attending The River Bible Institute. I learned such subjects as “The Anointing”, “Person of the Holy Spirit”, “Signs & Wonders” and “Soul Winning”. Not only did I take this class called soul winning but I was then required to walk out what I was taught. “And He said to them, Go into the entire world and preach and publish openly the good news the Gospel to every creature of the whole human race. Mark 16:15 (AMP).

I quickly learned that it wasn’t about me, but it was about the power of the word of God and the gospel being preached. Romans 1:16 (AMP) For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, It wasn’t about the numbers or how many said yes although that is important but it was about being obedient to the word of God.

Through this obedience and faith in tool God provided in order to get the job done; ‘the script’ many lives have been touched and changed by power of the gospel. Acts 1:8 (AMP) But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.

Sonsearae J. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul winning has defiantly made an impact on my life through the Lord is showing stamina, a heart for his people and a deeper dedication to him. That’s not the way it started though; in the beginning of the year when I realized we were required to go out and witness to people once a week and in the beginning of the year I was required to win 100 souls in order to get an A in soul winning class. That really got under my skin, but little did I know that my flesh was burning and that God was doing a burning and purifying in my heart and He started on day one.

Although the soul winning thing really got under my skin I still felt that I had to obey even though everything is me was shouting; “ No I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to talk to random people and have them reject me or my Jesus; maybe they deserve what they get!”. What I didn’t realize is that they weren’t rejecting me they were rejecting Jesus and that my heart needed some serious work. I had the keys to joy, happiness, peace and power through Jesus name, all living in me.

In me I carried the cure to depression, sicknesses, finances, the anointing and the presence of God all was inside of me because Christ lived in me. And as we would go out to minister to the community I would pray “Lord please break my heart for you people!” I so badly wanted to love God’s people the way he did, to have compassion and mercy on them. I began to press in for people and press through my thoughts and began to witness to people from my heart being lead of the Spirit, because the Bible says that those that are lead by the Spirit of God are the sons of God and I knew that there was nothing that I could say on my own that was make them believe they needed a savior because it the goodness of God that leads men to salvation.

So each person I would encounter I would let the Holy Spirit tell me what to say and how to minister to their needs and how to just make them feel loved. By just loving the people I began to see their walls began to break; the power of God unfailing love was plowing through their hearts, and he was using me as a vessel to pure that love out and lead them to salvation. God has been good to me in and has been opening my eyes to see his people the way he does. To see how lost they are without him, and how I have the key to their broken heartedness living in me. That’s how soul winning has affected me and it will affect and completely change you, if you let it.

Shani G. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul winning has been such a rewarding experience. Not only do you get to minister to others but you get ministered to. It truly is a win-win situation. They get blessed, you get blessed, and most importantly, you add to the Kingdom of God. We are in this to plunder hell and populate Heaven! You realize how many people have never heard the question, “do you know that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?” It still surprises me to this day the amount of people that do not know this.

Prior to coming to The River Bible Institute, I was soul winning. However, it was not a passion, it was a program. It did not become a passion for me until I consistently went soul winning. There was a boldness that came over me that I did not know existed. When I speak to someone, I remember what it felt like to not know Jesus intimately. It was the most lonely and sad time of my life.

I have seen people weep under the presence of God, healed, and delivered. We may be the only Jesus that people see. People are out there dying and for us to keep our mouth shut is selfish. It is selfish because we do not live for ourselves but for others. Others must see the love of God in us by showing the love of God.

The most memorable experience I had was when I went through the gospel soul winning script with a young lady. After she said the prayer, the Lord told me to tell her how much He loved her. I kept telling her until tears came streaming down her face. She told me that she had just asked the Lord to send an angel to tell her about His love for her. Your obedience always affects someone else, so please get out and win souls.

Sara B. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When I first got to RSW in August 2009 I got introduced to soul winning. It was a concept that I had never heard of before and at first it really scared me. I got really nervous thinking about it and I felt like I didn’t know how to present the gospel to the people on the streets and I was afraid of getting rejected.

The first time I went soul winning I prayed to God before I knocked on the door that no one would answer so that I could just walk away. Later I got to one door and a girl opened it. I took the courage to follow the script with her and I led her to the Lord. It wasn’t hard for me to do this, it only pushed me out of my comfort zone. But this girl was crying out of gratitude and she told me how this really was a life changing decision for her and how before I came to her door she really didn’t see any light in her life. But this now gave her hope and something to live for when everything else seemed impossible.

This soul winning experience broke my heart. This finally made me realize what a great hunger and need people have for God and what a great commission we have to fulfill. I walked away crying and I felt how the need for people rose in my heart. That I have the matter of life and death in my hands, it’s in my hands if some people are going to spend their eternity in heaven.

The Lord did a great work in my heart that day that changed my life, now I live to share the greatest thing in my life with others, my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have now realized the importance of soul winning and realizing how soul winning changed my life and my relationship with God. I want to live as a soul winner and when I get to heaven I want to hear God say ”Well done, good and faithful servant”. (Matt 25:21)

Nellyssa L. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I have always been a naturally shy person and when it came to soul winning I was so concerned at first that I would not do a good job. It was never really a matter of caring about what anyone thought of me it was just that barrier of approaching someone I don’t know. Now, as I look back on this past school year I see how far I’ve come. There is still that slight reserve in me but once I get started I really get started. It’s amazing how now when I drive I actually look at the people I’m passing and wonder if they have a relationship with Christ or not.

It’s now an increasing concern of mine and a growing passion. I’ve seen more miracles on the street then I’ve seen my entire life. My greatest passion is seeing the young children be filled with the Holy Spirit. They are just so innocent and receptive to His power. They have this hunger to know more and to take all that Christ has for them. I remember one time I was praying for three kids all under the age of 6 and they were so touched by the presence of God that they kept inviting their friends to come see me.

They called over everyone they knew and told them about Jesus. It was the sweetest experience and it’s one that I will never forget. Just to see the faces of these children before and after they give their hearts to Jesus is an amazing sight to see. Their eyes light up and they get this uncontrollable smile that I bet they don’t even know that have. I’m so grateful to Pastor Rodney for instilling this passion for souls and even more now this passion to see this next generation on fire for Christ.

Matters of the Heart | Wynn Jason Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

A few weeks ago The River of Tampa Bay began planning a Spanish Christmas outreach. Many details were discussed and many man hours were put in to prepare for such a large event. So, after many hours of prayer and preparation the day finally came.

The first thing I saw when making the corner into the church property was a parking lot about a quarter of the way full with the cars of the many volunteers who were there about an hour and half before service. Also we had eight charter buses parked out in front of the church getting ready to make there rounds .This was expecting I knew that was going to be a big day for Jesus and we would get to be a part of it.

This was to be an amazing experience .To see so many of Gods people work together for one purpose, SOULS, was so encouraging. I believe that it was a life changing day for the 1335 people in attendance. We saw over 300 River members serve in the ministry of helps. With 345 people answering the altar call. To be apart of something that has such an impact on eternity was a huge honor for us all.

Pastor Rodney closed the service, but the day was not over. Pastor Eric then made the announcement that it time for us to give away the toys and the boxes of food; After the church emptied into the parking lot, many children were blessed with toys that were given to them in the name of Jesus. To actually get to physically show these children the goodness of God is awesome. But not only were the children blessed; the adults were given food that should last them about a week, which means we were able to feed them spiritually and physically. This is what people need to hear and see how much God loves them. We are so thankful that God is using us for His plan and purpose.

Matters of the Heart | Mary F Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The Outreach for Sunday, December 13, 2009 was such an awesome day to behold. I was scheduled to do the camera for the Children’s service with Pastor and the River Children’s Department. I got to the church at 8 a.m. and there was already a beehive of activity all over the parking lots, with buses running and ready to go out for the precious fruit. Tables were set up everywhere with volunteers busily registering children for toys and to attend the children’s service which was being taped for television.

It was amazing how everything was so organized and seemed to be flowing very smoothly. The buses began leaving with the captains and helpers excited about the blessings many people on their routes would receive. Some visitors for the first time would encounter God in such a way that would change their lives forever. The very presence of God falls when adoration, praise, and thanksgiving ascend from hearts full of love for Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, and the Savior of our souls.

On Saturday I went out soul winning and passing out flyers for the Sunday outreach. I had been listening to Pastor Rodney’s new CD, “Nothing Is Impossible” for three days when I was riding in the car or doing data entry at church. The presence of God would touch my heart in such a way I would usually end up in tears and then laughter.

Saturday, as we drove the 30 minutes to get to church, listening to the CD, I felt like I was filled with the Holy Ghost all over again. I was trembling, tears were flowing, and I felt I was interceding for the lost. I was blitzed! I had a feeling souls would be touched by His presence as we went out. I led 9 people to the LORD that were in our path, and I could see the changes on their faces after they received the free gift of Salvation that Jesus Christ offers to all. My team leader, Jesse, called me Sunday after the morning service to let me know that one of the men that was saved rode the bus to church. Hallelujah!!!

Pastor Joe made learning the Bible fun with games, contests, and the freedom to be a child. He quickly became a trusted friend as he allowed them to be themselves and to shout and yell instead of having to sit still be quiet. After the games and contests he then told them the story of Jesus and the highest sacrifice he gave for us all. With all attention on Pastor Joe as he shared of the suffering endured by Jesus, all the little hearts were receiving the “Glorious Light of the Gospel”. The count of those that received Jesus for the first time was 154. Glory to the Lamb of God!!

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This past Sunday, December 13th, I, like the last 2 months was involved with bus ministry. I encountered more children then I ever have on the buses. It seems to be that I saw more children then adults on those buses. They seemed very excited to come. I wonder if some of the kids are the ones that brought the parents to the River Church of Tampa Bay. I wasn’t in service until after worship as I helped out with loading all the busses with food. We had over 7 buses I believe which is the most I’ve ever seen. I like the fact that the church keeps on growing and primarily it’s from bringing people from other communities through consistent outreach. I believe as we tend the heart of God He meets our needs. His heart is house to house. We are reaching people that won’t necessarily come to church. After we pray with them or minister to them they come to church, because in my mind of what God’s doing on the inside and people taking initiative door to door. I’ve never seen so many come up for an alter call in that main sanctuary since I’ve been here. No matter people theology and heart, the fact remains that there is fruit to this ministry and this is a GO YE church which follows the GO YE call in the scriptures. There was one child who one the bike after his name got picked and he was so excited. Children love receiving free gifts and even on the bus, which had no air condition, this child pressed through it and was very thankful and content it seemed. Some of the ministers or bus servants seemed more excited than the kid and that child was very excited. As we parted with many of the children and even parents, I don’t remember one argument or issue. They all seemed very thankful and gave hugs to many of them. There’s something when people feel the love. I know we can say we love people, but when they actually feel that, there’s something that shifts or changes. Its an honor for me to be under a ministry like this which is new for me to a degree, because of the fruit and the fact that this isn’t new. This ministries been going on for years and I just know that there are few fathers but many teachers so thankful to be under a Father that’s walked it out. I’ve never heard of a negative report concerning anyone in this ministries love towards people. That’s massive. I expect more increase in souls, more people coming, as the day of the Lords return draws near. May we continue to hunger for the deep things of God both devotionally and in a corporate setting.

Winter Camp Meeting 2010 | Sara Bengtsson

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I had never been to a camp meeting at The River at Tampa Bay Church before and it was a life changing experience.

I had really high expectations on this week out of what everyone else had told me and my expectations were truly met. Through this camp meeting I wanted God to show me things that He wanted me to accomplish and to show me things far greater than I have ever seen before and He answered my prayers starting the first service.

For a time I had been feeling uncertain and lost regarding my future and my calling. Where I am supposed to be and what God wants me to do. But as the week started I felt more and more confident and safe in what God has for me. Even if I don’t know every step of how my future will turn out I started feeling peace and hope about it. Everyday the same song came to me and the same sentence was trapped in my mind “I will be still and know You are God”.

This week God really opened my eyes again for my home country Sweden and for Europe. I felt a great need and a responsibility to actually set these parts of the world on fire for God. God showed my pictures of myself doing His work and made me realize that everything starts with me and that I am not sitting in these services for my own sake but for the world out there that is waiting for me to take actions. God made me realize that I have a greater calling than to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life. He has placed visions and dreams in me that can’t be fulfilled without me starting to take actions.

I got several amazing experiences with God this camp meeting and most of them started with me giving of myself. By serving almost every service this week I got to realize how much greater it is to give than to receive, but then realizing that by my giving and serving, I am receiving.

Now a few weeks after the winter camp meeting 2010 I have far greater visions and thoughts for my life and my future and I know that it will be nothing but extraordinary.

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